
exotic highs of a connoisseur

Mushrooms + Syrian Rue + N,N-DMT + Nitrous Oxide + Ketamine

The Ketamine experience overpowered what was left of the previous high but was pleasantly enhanced having a wider range of feelings than on Ketamine alone. I was semi-consciously aware of my body chanting and moving about during part of this time.

LSD + Ketamine + N,N-DMT

The DMT produced its usual effects but seemed to be diminished in intensity by the lingering Ketamine. The same amounts of N,N-DMT taken on LSD alone would have produced much intenser experiences. I no longer use DMT with Ketamine.

LSD + Syrian Rue + N,N-DMT + 5-MeO-DMT + Nitrous Oxide + Cannabis

This combination felt absolutely beautiful. In comparison with a typical LSD trip there was vastly more space or information to explore, and it felt infused with a spiritual quality.

LSD + Ludiomil + Nitrous Oxide (+ Ketamine)

This combination intensifies the LSD experience and also produces intense dream activity in the subsequent nights.The Ludiomil took effect some 15 minutes after ingesting, and the change was quite apparent. It intensified the acid high and produced what I'll describe as a "platinum plated" acid trip. It was as though every perception and thought were coated with a silverish translucent light. I described this in the LSD chapter as a "thin invisible membrane between myself and anything my senses touched upon."

The most spectacular part of this journey came later when I took a balloon of nitrous oxide. I have tried nitrous with virtually every psychedelic and every combination. I thought I knew the limits of the nitrous experience and was quite unprepared for the remarkable transformation that took place. I can only describe it as a totally hilarious, melting through the bottom of the universe as it all came swirling down into me. The "melting" sensation of this experience was most distinct from the common nitrous high.

In my third experiment with this combination I took the Ludiomil five hours prior to the LSD. This produced significantly more dream activity during subsequent nights than when I'd ingested the Ludiomil after the LSD. This trip also allowed me to take a closer look at the "membrane" between my mind and what I perceived. On this occasion I saw the membrane as a spongy, or even spring-loaded barrier, between my mind and the world. It seems as though Ludiomil functions by creating a time-delay buffer zone which prevents rapid responses and changes in the mind.

LSD + Ketamine

This experience took place while I was backpacking in Death Valley. I had been closely observing some small lizards which move at an amazing speed in the hot desert sun. In trying to synchronize with a lizard's mind, it was quite apparent that its time sense, as well as the flow of information from its sense organs to its responding muscles, was worlds apart from that of a human. Then, while hiking in a canyon, I noticed what appeared as webbing strewn across the canyon walls. Upon looking closer this turned out to be a harder material than the rock below eroding at a slower pace and standing out in ridges of web-shaped formations. It appeared to have been created during volcanic eruptions of molten minerals at the time the mountains were formed. The canyon, cutting ever deeper into the mountain's side, was revealing the history of the terrain.

As I sat back to rest and closed my eyes, my visual sphere became filled with visions of desert animals like snakes and scorpions, images which are typical of a session in the desert. The next vision that appeared was a distinct image of a saber tooth tiger. I thought of early humans who were hunted by such animals, and the strength of the impression this must have made on the minds of my ancient ancestors. This train of thought progressed and I saw large, hairy, bear-like forest animals who probably left similar impressions on the species consciousness. As my mind progressed further back in time I began to see creatures of the dinosaur era which in ancient times had roamed the ground I was now resting on.

By the time the full moon was high in the sky I had hiked to the salt flats and administered Ketamine while at the lowest elevation in the United States. I felt that I became part of the earth and penetrated to levels deep within the "mind" of the planetary consciousness. Becoming part of the earth's spirit is something frequently experienced by myself and others while on Ketamine.

2C-B + Mushrooms (+ Ketamine)

2C-B + Mushrooms is the first psychedelic combination I tried that does not work. I felt as though a mesh of interference patterns was placed before my awareness, obscuring all thought and perception. It seemed like the 2C-B and mushrooms were trying to alter my consciousness in opposing directions, and they frustrated each other's efforts. I also had a feeling that I was hexed, that there was some force preventing me from venturing into an expanded state of awareness.

This general feeling of confinement and oppression led to negative thoughts and feelings, producing the longest lasting and most unpleasant psychedelic trip I've had in years. It felt like a serious slap in the face, an infusion of the states of mind and reality tunnels that some of life's less fortunate people have to endure.

I finally emerged from my tripping room and went up to my living room to put on some music. There I was startled to see a large black spider on the center cf my polished marble coffee table. It took less than a moment for me to realize that this was an omen, as I've rarely seen spiders of this size in the area I live, and never on the center of the coffee table that I built by hand. Omens that I've received in the past have included a bat flying into my home on halloween.

2C-B + Ketamine

With a smaller dose of Ketamine I do not go on the Ketamine journey, but the relaxed immersion in flowing psychedelic mental fireworks is most enjoyable. When used with 2C-B, the Ketamine recovery period is also diminished, with ease of movement, no feeling of nausea, and sometimes incredible physical energy. I have frequently emerged from the Ketamine journey and immediately begun dancing about like a whirling dervish, or assuming yogic asanas where intense subtle energies were traversing and harmonizing within my body.

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